Scholarly Panels
Contributions from academics drawing on the method and resources of their respective disciplines.
Panels / topics proposed to date:
Sino-Vatican Relations in Historical Perspective
Sociological Perspectives on Christianity
in Contemporary China -
The Sinicisation of Religion in China Today
Environmental Issues and the Faith Communities of China
Click this button for a form to enter:
suggestions for panels and topics
suggestions concerning speakers (including yourself)
submission of brief abstracts
other suggestions or feedback
Note: Panel organizers (only) will have conference registration fees waived in appreciation for their service to the gathering.
Presentations and
Discussion forums and practical advice from people involved in the life of the Church in China and in the Chinese diaspora.
Practical workshops and presentations requested to date:
Faith and the Current Generation
Social Services: Making a Contribution in China Society
The American University Context
Relations among Christians and China
Paths to Discipleship
Religion in the City
Click this button for a form to enter:
suggestions for workshops or presentations
suggestions concerning speakers (including yourself)
other suggestions or feedback
Note: Presenters will have their conference registration fees waived in appreciation for their service to the gathering.
Thank you for
your Pledge!

Thank you for your pledge of support to the US-China Catholic Association!
To complete your pledge by check, write your check out to “USCCA” in the appropriate amount and mail to:
US-China Catholic Association
c/o Mr. John Dewan, USCCA Treasurer
1501 N. Oakley Blvd, #214
Chicago, IL 60622
If you would like to give to the USCCA through a charitable trust (such as Fidelity Charitable), you may locate us by looking up using our Federal EIN 45-5221413. That should pull up “US-China Catholic Association”, but in some places we may still be listed under a former name, "United States Catholic China Bureau." A check made out to either will work.
You will also receive a confirmation email with the above instructions.
All contributions to the US-China Catholic Association are tax deductible under section 501(c)3 of the IRS Code. As noted above, the USCCA's federal tax identification number or EIN is 45-5221413.
Please know that we will use your contribution wisely and responsibly to carry out our mission: Inspired by the Gospel, the mission of the US-China Catholic Association is to build bridges of friendship and dialogue between people of China and the United States by offering educational, service, and cultural programs in support of the Church and the larger society.
Again, thank your pledge of support!
Peter Tan, Chair of the Board
Richard Madsen, Ph.D., Vice Chair of the Board, San Diego, California
Anne S. Tsui, Ph.D., Secretary, Paradise Valley, Arizona
John Dewan, Treasurer, Chicago, Illinois