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Our Hope
is in Christ

The 29th International Conference of

the US-China Catholic Association


August 2-4, 2024

DePaul University — Lincoln Park Campus

Chicago, IL


Center for World Catholicism

Frequently Asked Questions

Please consult the answers below for some of the most frequently asked questions we receive about the conference. If your question is not answered here or on the other conference pages, you may reach out to Interim Chief Administrative Officer, Gerald Doyle, at


Who is invited to the conference? Do I have to be affiliated with the USCCA?

This conference will provide opportunities for learning and discussion about (a) theology and faith formation in the Chinese context, (b) clergy and church life in China, and (c) social services in China by both religious and lay people in both rural and urban communities. If you are interested in any of these topics, you are welcome to register as an attendee! You do not have to be affiliated with the USCCA to attend the conference.


How much does the conference cost?

Please see the Registration and Logistics page and the registration form for details on the costs associated with various parts of the conference.


May I bring friends to the conference?

We encourage you to invite your friends to register as conference attendees. Conference access, on-campus housing, and conference food are reserved for registered conference attendees with the requisite conference badges.​


May I bring friends to the walking tour?

Due to limited space, we give priority to participants who are registered for the conference. If there is space, you may be allowed to bring one guest who is not a registered conference participant for the cost of $40.


May I reserve a shared room on campus with a specified roommate?

If your requested roommate is registered for the conference, we will make an effort to accommodate special housing arrangements, but please note that such arrangements are not guaranteed. You are also welcome to make your own room arrangements at an off-campus location such as those listed on DePaul University's list of nearby hotels. ​​


I will be driving from the airport to the conference site. May I park my car in the parking lot/garage adjacent to Ozanam Hall after I check in?

Yes, you may do so.


Which of DePaul University's two campuses will be the site of the conference?

The conference will be held at DePaul University's Lincoln Park campus.


How far away from the airport is DePaul University's Lincoln Park campus?

Traveling to/from O'Hare, we recommend leaving 90 minutes (2 hours if the weather is severe) for a one-way trip between the the campus and the airport. Traveling to/from Midway, we recommend leaving 45 minutes (90 minutes if the weather is severe). Additional information regarding transportation options can be found in DePaul University's guide to getting around Chicago.


I'm a student enrolled in school, but I don't have a .edu email address. How do I get the student discount?

If you do not have a .edu email address, then the registration form will not recognize you as a student eligible for the student discount. If this is the case, please contact Gerald Doyle at to explain your academic program.

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