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News from the USCCA and the church in China

God is on the Move.

Theme: Social Service Outreach in China

3 August, 2024, Saturday

2:45 pm - 4:15 pm Parallel Session 3a

Speaker 1: Dr. Georges Enderle, University of Notre Dame

  • Title: "Supporting Business Ethics in China and the United States"

Speaker 2: Dr. Brent Fulton and Andrea Lee, ChinaSource, USA

  • Title: "God is on the Move: Observations and Reflections on Protestant Christianity in Post-Covid China"

Chair: Tom McGuire, USCCA Emeritus Director

Photo Credit: Gerald Doyle, Interim Chief Administrative Officer

A meditation and reflection from one participant:

  • "How might an ethics of "Our Hope is in Christ" inform and shape our thinking about business ethics and social service outreach?"


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