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Catholic High Schools

that host

Chinese International Students

Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey process for educators and their colleagues who work with Chinese international students.

  • high school campus ministers

  • religion teachers

  • recruiters, administrative personnel and counselors


Please proceed by choosing the appropriate link below.

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High Schools Campus Ministers Survey 

High school campus ministers play a vital role in the life of your campus, and you can have a powerful impact on the life of Chinese International Students studying at your school. 

At the same time, you face daunting challenges as you support these young people who have crossed continents and cultures. That is especially true today, as we grapple with international tensions and an international pandemic. 

The US-China Catholic Association (USCCA) stands ready to assist you in your vital work. An organization that has spent thirty years building relations between Catholics in China and the United States, we have recruited a team of international experts to provide you with useful tools, resources, and online infosessions.


You can find resources of our past workshops, including video recordings here, and information about our upcoming workshop here.

By completing this survey (9 questions), you will enable us to best address your needs and concerns. 

For more information, contact:

Cecilia Flores, Campus Engagement Coordinator

Fr. Michael Agliardo, SJ, Executive Director

Proceed to SURVEY
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High School Religious / Theology Teachers Survey 

High school teachers of religious studies and theology play a vital role in opening the intellect and the imagination of young people to the life of faith, and you can open exponentially the perspective of Chinese International Students studying at your school.

At the same time, you face daunting challenges as you engage these young people who have crossed continents and cultures. Coming from a society with very different conceptual foundations – one whose current government actively promotes a materialist philosophy of life – these young people sometimes have difficulty making sense of theology and religious studies. 

The US-China Catholic Association (USCCA) stands ready to assist you in your vital work. An organization that has spent thirty years building relations between Catholics in China and the United States, we have recruited a team of international experts to provide you with useful tools, resources, and online infosessions.


You can find resources of our past workshops, including video recordings here, and information about our upcoming workshop here.

By completing this survey (9 questions), you will enable us to best address your needs and concerns. 

For more information, contact:

Cecilia Flores, Campus Engagement Coordinator

Fr. Michael Agliardo, SJ, Executive Director

Proceed to SURVEY
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Survey for High School Counselors, Admin, Recruiters

High school recruiters, administrative staff, and counselors play a vital role in making possible the presence of Chinese international students on their campuses. 

At the same time, you face daunting challenges at the current time, as we grapple with international tensions and an international pandemic. 

The US-China Catholic Association (USCCA) stands ready to assist you in your vital work. An organization that has spent thirty years building relations between Catholics in China and the United States, we have recruited a team of international experts to provide you with useful tools, resources, and online infosessions.


You can find resources of our past workshops, including video recordings here, and information about our upcoming workshop here.

By completing this survey (9 questions), you will enable us to best address your needs and concerns. 

For more information, contact:

Cecilia Flores, Campus Engagement Coordinator

Fr. Michael Agliardo, SJ, Executive Director

Proceed to SURVEY

The US-China Catholic Association was founded in 1989 by concerned U.S. bishops, Maryknoll, the Jesuits, and representatives of other religious orders in order to promote mutual support and fraternal ties between the Church in China and the U.S. Church.

Mailing address


US-China Catholic Association

c/o Mr. John Dewan,

USCCA Treasurer 

1501 N. Oakley Blvd, #214

Chicago, IL 60622



Physical address


US-China Catholic Association

1646 Addison Street

Berkeley, CA 94703


  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Instagram

The USCCA is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Your donations are tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law. The success of our work depends upon the generosity of people like you.


If you have enjoyed your visit to the USCCA website and learning about our mission, donate $35 to honor the 35th anniversary of the USCCA.



© 2023 US-China Catholic Association

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