Scholarly Panels
Contributions from academics drawing on the method and resources of their respective disciplines.
Panels / topics proposed to date:
Sino-Vatican Relations in Historical Perspective
Sociological Perspectives on Christianity
in Contemporary China -
The Sinicisation of Religion in China Today
Environmental Issues and the Faith Communities of China
Click this button for a form to enter:
suggestions for panels and topics
suggestions concerning speakers (including yourself)
submission of brief abstracts
other suggestions or feedback
Note: Panel organizers (only) will have conference registration fees waived in appreciation for their service to the gathering.
Presentations and
Discussion forums and practical advice from people involved in the life of the Church in China and in the Chinese diaspora.
Practical workshops and presentations requested to date:
Faith and the Current Generation
Social Services: Making a Contribution in China Society
The American University Context
Relations among Christians and China
Paths to Discipleship
Religion in the City
Click this button for a form to enter:
suggestions for workshops or presentations
suggestions concerning speakers (including yourself)
other suggestions or feedback
Note: Presenters will have their conference registration fees waived in appreciation for their service to the gathering.
The USCCA strives to promotes friendship and mutual support between Catholics in China and the United States. It offers educational, service, and cultural programs in support of the Church and the larger society.
We are seeking enthusiastic, motivated, faith-filled individuals to join us in our mission.
You are invited to review the open positions below. If you feel you would be a good fit, or if you have any questions, contact our Director, Fr. Michael Agliardo (
Local Coordinator - Chinese and American Friendship Ministry
The USCCA seeks full-time Local Coordinators to establish friendship ministry programming geared to Chinese international students in various metropolitan areas in the U.S. The goal is to provide welcome and create opportunities for fellowship between Chinese international students, on the one hand, and both the local Chinese community and American-born students on campus, on the other.
Examples of relevant programming include welcome dinners, talks and mixers on campus, conversation circles, celebration of cultural holidays (such as Chinese New Year, Thanksgiving, and the like), hikes and other outdoor activities, participation in campus or local cultural events, academic support workshops, and career workshops. The Local Coordinator works with the local campus ministry team and members of the local community to develop a programming schedule appropriate for each campus.
During these times when tensions polarize American society and the global community, the Chinese and American Friendship Ministry serves as both a sign of hope and an opportunity to chart a course based on friendship, mutual understanding, and mutual respect.
Candidates are sought in the following metropolitan areas: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Washington (D.C.), and Boston.
Training, planning, and network development will all take place in July. Active programming will launch in late August.
Each Local Coordinator will initially work under the supervision of the overall CEI Program Coordinator and the USCCA Executive Director. He or she will also collaborate locally with high school teachers, university professors, campus ministers, members of the local Chinese Catholic community, American-born students from the local campus, and Chinese international students themselves.
Candidates are sought who have experience working with young people, organizing relevant programming, cross-cultural experience, and collaborating with others in a team setting. Experience working in China and/or experience with Chinese language and culture will also be considered.
Please download the position description for more information: Chinese Friendship Ministry Local Coordinator.
Contact Fr. Michael Agliardo, USCCA Director, for more information.
Part-Time Clerical & Office Staff Person (flexible, hybrid)
The USCCA seeks a part-time office staff person. The candidate will partner with the Executive Director to support all team members (volunteers and paid staff) and the routine functioning of the organization. Financial bookkeeping, data entry, and the digitization of files and records will occupy a consider part of the candidate’s time. Much of the work can be done remotely.
The candidate should be efficient, organized, and detail-oriented, and have strong computer skills. As with all administrative positions, good people skills, a sense of mission, and a sense of humor will come in handy.
Part-Time Conference and Program Assistant
The USCCA seeks the support of a student intern as it prepares for its August conference on Christianity and China on the campus of DePaul University, Chicago.
Time requirement is 5 to 10 hours a week, plus full-time onsite work at the time of the conference itself (August 4 to 6).
Duties involve background research, conference promotions, conference logistics, and working with international visitors.
Preference given to DePaul University students
Compensation $18 to $20 per hour, contingent upon experience and recommendations.
To inquire further, contact Xin Chen, USCCA Conference Coordinator. To apply, send resume and two references to Xin Chen.